Looking for your ‘Piece Of Paradise’
Paradise Homes of Johnston County of N.C., Inc is a family-owned corporation with 35 years of experience. We are licensed with the North Carolina Department of Insurance, a member of the North Carolina Better Business Bureau and the North Carolina Manufactured Housing Institute. We are also an approved builder with the U.S.D.A. Rural Development program. Our professionally trained sales staff’s goal is to provide quality homes and service at an affordable price. We offer thousands of floorplans to choose from all shapes and sizes! Feel free to visit Atlantic Homes of North Carolina’s site www.championhomes.com We also feature Commodore Homes. We are excited to install this line of homes that have some exciting features to choose from. Visit their website at www.commodorehomes.com Another manufacture that we carry is Clayton manufactured homes, These homes offer wide selection of homes to choose from for all customers looking for that perfect floorplan and budget. You can visit them at www.claytonoxfordhbf.com The newest line is Fleetwood Homes. These have some of the best décor features we have seen in a while. They offer wide variety of homes from modular, doublewides, singlewides, and park model. These homes feature great variety while keeping the budget in mind. You can visit their website at www.fleetwoodhomes.com